Macri Tries to Weather Argentina’s Economic Storm by Ending ‘Gradualismo’

Once again, Argentina has become synonymous with crisis. The Argentine peso has already lost half of its value against the dollar this year, and the economy is projected to contract by at least 2 percent while inflation reaches 40 percent. Beleaguered President Mauricio Macri is asking the International Monetary Fund for additional assistance, only three months after finalizing a loan agreement. Not surprisingly, Macri’s domestic popularity has suffered, weakening his re-election prospects next year. 

But while the situation is indeed serious, comparing it with Argentina’s total economic, political and social collapse in 2001—as some Argentine and foreign commentators have—is as excessive as the unrealistic optimism that surrounded Macri’s inauguration in December 2015. Less than three years ago the new president had promised a quick economic turnaround after the end of supposedly populist policies under former President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner. What Argentina is now facing are the consequences of the structural vulnerabilities that Macri inherited when he took office, which his government had underestimated, perhaps for too long. 


Read the full article in World Politics Review 

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