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      Issues Shaping Central America

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      Problems and Patterns


      “Removed, Returned and Resettled: Challenges of Central American Migrants Back Home”, Inter-American Dialogue: Resources, August 5, 2015 (by Manuel Orozco and Julia Yansura).

      “Central American Economies in 2015”, Inter-American Dialogue: Resources, June 30, 2015 (by Manuel Orozco and Julia Yansura).

      “The United States and Central America’s Northern Tier: The Ongoing Disconnect “, Inter-American Dialogue: Working Paper, March 2014 (by Héctor Silva Ávalos).

      “Countering Criminal Violence in Central America”, Inter-American Dialogue: Resources, April 9, 2012 (by Michael Shifter).

      Blog Posts & Articles

      “Returning Home: Deportations & Return Migration”, Inter-American Dialogue: Voces, December 22, 2015 (by Manuel Orozco and Julia Yansura).

      “Central America in the Face of Cuban Migration”, Inter-American Dialogue: Resources, December 8, 2015 (by Manuel Orozco).

      “Central American Child Migrants: New Trends and Factors”, Inter-American Dialogue, Voces, December 2, 2015 (by Manuel Orozco).

      “Central American Economies: Development Concerns”, Inter-American Dialogue: Voces, November 25, 2015 (by Manuel, Orozco).

      “Central America’s Great Crisis”, Inter-American Dialogue: Resources, September 9, 2015 (by Manuel Orozco). 

      Congressional Testimonies

      “Congressional Testimony: The Roots of Central America’s Exodus”, Inter-American Dialogue: Resources, October 22, 2015 (by Kevin Casas Zamora). 

      Development Opportunities and Approaches


      Centroamérica en la mira: La migración en su relación con el desarrollo y las oportunidades para el cambio, Buenos Aires, Teseo, 2016 (by Manuel Orozco and Julia Yansura).

      Confronting the Challenges of Migration & Development, Inter-American Dialogue: Resources, January 13, 2016 (by Manuel Orozco and Julia Yansura).


      “¿Qué ofrece el Plan para la Alianza para la Prosperidad?”, Inter-American Dialogue: Resources, March 16, 2016 (by Manuel Orozco).

      “Confronting the Challenges of Migration and Development in Central America”, Inter-American Dialogue: Resources, January 13, 2016 (by Manuel Orozco and Julia Yansura).

      “Migration and Development in Central America: Perceptions, Policies and Further Options”, Inter-American Dialogue: Resources, August 5, 2015 (by Manuel Orozco and Julia Yansura).

      “The ‘Productive’ Use of Remittances”, Inter-American Dialogue: Resources, February 1, 2015 (by Manuel Orozco).

      “Remittances and Financial Inclusion: Opportunities for Central America”, Inter-American Dialogue: Resources, February 1, 2015 (by Manuel Orozco and Julia Yansura).  

      Blog Posts & Articles

      “Can the Service Sector Unlock Central America’s Development Potential?”, Inter-American Dialogue: Voces, March 8, 2017 (by Javier Gutiérrez).

      “What Will Trump’s Presidency Mean for Central America”, Inter-American Dialogue: Latin America Advisor, December 7, 2016.

      “Education as a Priority for Development in Central America”, Inter-American Dialogue: PREAL Blog, September 13, 2016 (by Alberto Mora Román).

      “What Remittances Mean for Latin Americans at Home and Abroad”, Inter-American Dialogue: Voces, June 16, 2016 (by Manuel Orozco and Ani Sinai).

      “One Step Forward for Central America: The Plan for the Alliance for Prosperity”, Inter-American Dialogue: Voces, March 16, 2016 (by Manuel Orozco).

      “Migration and Development Policies in Central America”, Inter-American Dialogue: Voces, January 6, 2016 (by Manuel Orozco and Julia Yansura).

      “Migration and Development in Central America: Perceptions, Policies and Further Options”, Inter-American Dialogue: Resources, August 5, 2015 (by Manuel Orozco and Julia Yansura).

      “Will the New US Aid Plan for Central America be Successful?”, Inter-American Dialogue: Latin America Advisor, June 30, 2011.

      “Fighting for the Right: Community Participation in Latin American Post-Transitional Democracies”, Georgetown Journal of International Affairs, Vol. 12, No. 2 (Summer/Fall 2011), pp. 16-28.

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