Information About Migrant Children: Advancing a Regional Agenda – Working Group

This post is also available in: Português Español

The Working Group on Child Migration pointed out the need to design, implement and strengthen mechanisms for the collection of quantitative and qualitative information on migrant children and adolescents at the regional, national, and local levels. As a result of these discussions, the Inter-American Dialogue presents the document Information About Migrant Children: Advancing a Regional Agenda.

This document highlights the need for quality information to develop and implement adequate and effective responses to guarantee the rights of migrant children. To this end, it calls on the governments of the region to:

  • (i) to subscribe to and/or ensure the implementation of the various international and regional commitments related to the protection of migrant children;
  • (ii) to test a national information strategy on migrant children and strengthen and/or establish a coordinating mechanism in the countries for its implementation;
  • (iii) to implement actions to strengthen the technical capacities of the actors involved in the tasks related to information systems;

Furthermore, the document makes a call to:

  • (i) define common methodologies and standards for the production and use of information in the different countries; (ii) have different organizations prepare an annual report on the situation of migrant children in the region with quantitative and qualitative data;
  • (ii) ensure the participation of civil society and academic institutions in everything related to information on migrant children;
  • (iii) guarantee adequate funding to implement the necessary actions;


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