Measuring Up?
In 2009, some countries in Latin America and the Caribbean improved their PISA performance, but all ranked in the bottom third in all subjects tested.
PREAL dará un activo apoyo a los informes de progreso educativo regionales, nacionales y subnacionales durante el 2005. Mientras la Comisión Centroamericana para la Reforma Educativa de PREAL está afinando los términos de referencia de lo que será su tercer informe regional que se publicará a fines de año (ver nota al interior), algunos países latinoamericanos están iniciando nuevas versiones nacionales, como son los casos de Perú y Colombia.
In 2009, some countries in Latin America and the Caribbean improved their PISA performance, but all ranked in the bottom third in all subjects tested.
With no time to lose, Colombia’s newly appointed Director of National Planning has gotten to work on an ambitious agenda.
Recent research suggests that teachers are the most important factor in improving student learning.