From the Remittance Industry Observatory: End of Temporary Protective Status (TPS)- Policy Options and Social Impacts

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This March 2018 newsletter presents two articles on the current political discussions and legislative landscape regarding immigration, with a focus on immigrants currently with Temporary Protected Status (TPS).

The decision to end TPS is one that affects many foreign-born populations. Due to the sheer numbers, Salvadorans and Haitians are especially hard hit. Hondurans also represent an important population but, so far, the Department of Homeland Security has not announced the end of the program for them. The DHS secretary must decide whether to extend or terminate TPS for Hondurans by May 4th, 2018.

Few, if any, options seem currently available for TPS holders in terms of staying in the United States while maintaining legal status, a fact that will have negative consequences for migrants, their families, home countries, and the U.S.

Best regards,
Manuel, Laura, and Julia

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