From the Remittance Industry Observatory: Canada Country Profile, Quarterly Reports, and Compliance Rules

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We are pleased to share with you the November 2015 RIO Newsletter.

Our first article presents a country profile for Canada, which has the largest proportion of foreign-born inhabitants of all the G8 countries. From 2006 to 2011, over a million new migrants arrived in Canada, increasingly from countries in Asia and the Middle East. Canada is also one of the top ten sending countries in the world for remittances. This article presents trends in migration and remittances for a country that many of our RIO members are watching with interest.

Our second article analyzes industry performance based on company quarterly reports, with a special focus on performance in Latin America and the Caribbean and the role of online transfers. Finally, we are sharing a Q&A from the Latin America Advisor on compliance rules and how they could potentially backfire on US regulators.

Best regards,
Manuel Orozco, Laura Porras, and Julia Yansura

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