From the Remittance Industry Observatory: Brazil Country Profile and Assumptions about Remittances

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We are pleased to share with you our September 2016 newsletter.

In this issue, we set the record straight on some common assumptions about migrants, remittances, and the industry. The ten ‘incorrect myths’ include perceptions about remittances’ costs, their use in households as well as within the context of development aid, sending methods, and profile of senders, among other assumptions.

The issue also presents a country profile for Brazil, particularly as it pertains to the United States, including a review of migration trends, inbound remittances, and information on anti-money laundering legislation.

Brazil was ranked in 2016 as the 9th largest economy in the world by GDP. Despite facing a deep recession and political turmoil caused by the impeachment process, it remains the largest country in Latin America by both landmass and population, and thus is impossible to ignore as a key economic player in the region.

Thank you for your continued support of RIO. As always, we welcome your ideas, feedback and collaboration on this initiative.

Best regards,

Manuel, Laura and Julia

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