
Q&A with Jackson Almeida and Gabriel Corrêa: “The Root Cause of Brazil’s Educational Inequality is Structural Racism”

Interview with Gabriel Corrêa e Jackson Almeida from Todos Pela Educação, on their perspectives about the educational trajectory of Brazil's Black population, including recent developments, challenges, and future opportunities....
Lucas Martins Carvalho

Q&A with Tabata Amaral: “It’s Impossible to Talk About Meritocracy in a Country as Unequal as Brazil. We Need a Robust and Qualified Expansion of Basic and Higher Education”

Interview with Tabata Amaral, federal deputy of the state of São Paulo, about perspectives on the educational trajectory of Brazil's Black population, including recent developments, challenges, and future opportunities....
Lucas Martins Carvalho
Tabata Amaral

Q&A with Tauá Lourenço Pires: “For a Young Black Person From The Margins, They Need to Be Able to Advance From Focusing on the Basics of Their Survival to Living a Full Existence in Order for Pursuing Their Dreams and Opportunity to Feel Like A Right”

Interview with Tauá Lourenço Pires, co-director of the Alziras Institute, on perspectives about the educational trajectory of Brazil's Black population, including recent developments, challenges, and future opportunities....
Lucas Martins Carvalho

Q&A with Odara Dias: “Education Must Go Hand in Hand With Other Public Policy, Such as Public Safety, Nutrition, and Health”

Interview with Odara Dias, a researcher at Afro in the Brazilian Center for Analysis and Planning (CEBRAP), on her perspectives about the educational trajectory of Brazil's Black population, including recent...
Lucas Martins Carvalho

Taraciuk Broner: “Lo que hay es una coronación de una dictadura que está dispuesta a todo para mantenerse en el poder”

La directora del Programa sobre Estado de derecho conversó con ADN Hoy sobre la situación política de Venezuela en el marco de las recientes manifestaciones, la detención de María Corina...
Tamara Taraciuk Broner

What Does Assad’s Collapse Mean for Latin America?

A Latin America Advisor Q & A featuring experts' views on the collapse of regime of Bashar al-Assad in Syria and its effects on international relations in the Western Hemisphere....
Michael Shifter

In Memoriam: President Jimmy Carter by Dialogue Member Sergio Bitar

Dialogue member Sergio Bitar reflects on the life and career of President Jimmy Carter....
Sergio Bitar

Taraciuk Broner: “El régimen se siente acorralado”

La directora del Programa sobre Estado de derecho conversó en W Radio sobre las manifestaciones en Venezuela y la detención de María Corina Machado....
Tamara Taraciuk Broner

In Memoriam: President Jimmy Carter by Ambassador Thomas A. Shannon Jr.

Dialogue co-chair Ambassador Thomas A. Shannon Jr. reflects on the life and career of President Jimmy Carter....
Thomas A. Shannon, Jr.

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