Myers, Metro Libre (May 8, 2019)
Panamá tendrá que navegar intereses encontrados: por un lado, una preocupación muy clara de EE.UU. sobre el rápido crecimiento de la presencia de China allí,
Panamá tendrá que navegar intereses encontrados: por un lado, una preocupación muy clara de EE.UU. sobre el rápido crecimiento de la presencia de China allí,
For Panamanians, as well as many other Latin Americans these days, corruption trumps all other issues, even inequality. In country after country in the region,
Muchos panameños están hartos de la clase política y han quedado decepcionados por los gobiernos posteriores.
[El caso Odebrecht] es particularmente relevante en Panamá a la luz de los Papeles de Panamá… La corrupción se convierte en tema aún más importante
There are concerns about the probable effects [of Chinese investment in Panama] on U.S. companies, on regional stability and, above all, on U.S. impact in
What costs will Latin American countries face in exchange for China’s support, and what are China’s main goals in extending its influence in the region?
A new report by Dialogue fellow Kevin Casas, Paola González and Liliana Mesías analyzes the dominant trends in police behavior and organization and predicts how they will shape police forces over time.
The number of Central American migrants in the United States has nearly doubled from 2000 to present, but the trend changed from 2009 onwards.
2018 has been a year marked by great political uncertainty for Latin American energy markets. Oil prices are up, creating strong incentives for investment, rising US natural gas exports are creating a new source of flexible, cheaper energy for Latin American consumers, and the cost of wind and solar energy is declining dramatically. However, Latin America continues to face uncertainty in energy policy as new governments take office in many countries and geopolitical tensions between the US and China are on the rise. With many questions on the table, government officials, corporate representatives, and analysts gathered on October 25 at the Inter-American Dialogue to assess the future of energy policy in the Western Hemisphere.
[Más allá de la Franja y la Ruta,] los riesgos surgen cuando se negocian acuerdos reales, por ejemplo el tren Panamá – David, una refinería
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