Peru’s Path Forward: Navigating Political, Economic, and Global Dynamics

Analysis Region: China

At a Crossroads: China’s Post-Pandemic Economic Relations with Latin America and the Caribbean

On May 24, the Inter-American Dialogue and the Boston University Global Development Policy Center co-hosted a webinar titled “At a Crossroads: China’s Post-Pandemic Economic Relations with Latin America and the Caribbean.” The event considered China’s dynamic and evolving economic engagement with the Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) region, and drew upon new findings and data from the Inter-American Dialogue and the Boston University Global Development Policy Center.

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Myers, BBC (May 23, 2023)

Hay varios mecanismos que China puede usar para introducir su moneda en distintos mercados; es un fenómeno regional, no algo exclusivo de Brasil y Argentina.

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Myers, BBC (April 27, 2023)

El lazo con Asunción tiene para Taipei ‘una importancia simbólica crítica’… Estamos ante un grupo tan pequeño de aliados diplomáticos duraderos (para Taiwán) que perder

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