Shifter, Latin America Business Stories (Jul 20, 2020) 2
The polls show that the Mexicans have a favorable view towards [USMCA]. The big mistake with NAFTA, and I hope it is not repeated with
The polls show that the Mexicans have a favorable view towards [USMCA]. The big mistake with NAFTA, and I hope it is not repeated with
[USMCA] has obviously been updated for the digital economy since NAFTA came together in the 1990s when we were not thinking of the digital factor,
CGTN’s Roee Ruttenberg spoke with Michael Shifter, president of Inter-American Dialogue, about US-Mexico trade relations after Andrés Manuel Lopez Obrador visited the United States for a meeting with President Donald Trump.
Former Prime Minister Joe Clark has been appointed by PM Justin Trudeau as UN special envoy for Canada’s bid for a non-permanent seat on the UN Security Council.
A year ago, the emergence of Guaidó brought some hope to Venezuela. He, and many others, then believed that international and national pressure would make the military turn from Maduro to Guaido, resulting in the regime’s fall. They were mistaken. They were guilty of a lack of realism. Today is a time for realism. It is also a time to be creative, open to new possibilities that have a chance, however remote, of ending the nightmare in our hemisphere.
Foram necessários dois anos de negociações para fazer mudanças modestas no acordo de livre-comércio EUA-México-Canadá de 25 anos. E o Brasil precisa resolver sua relação
How will the changes affect the three North American countries, and which sectors are set to gain or lose the most from them?
How likely is the U.S. Congress to approve USMCA this year, and what sorts of complications would pushing its ratification into 2020 bring? How are political dynamics affecting the deal’s passage? If the trade pact is delayed further, to what extent will North America’s manufacturers suffer?
How likely is Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to be re-elected in Canada’s October federal election?
Lo mejor que pueden hacer los actores políticos y sociales latinoamericanos es concebir una estrategia de inserción internacional en la que sus países sean actores y no simples receptores pasivos de oportunidades y amenazas generadas desde el exterior.
The Dialogue is a hemispheric organization that builds networks of cooperation and action to advance democratic resilience, shared prosperity, social inclusion, and sustainable development across the Americas. We impact policy debates, devise solutions, and enhance collaboration to unlock meaningful change in the Western Hemisphere.
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