Taraciuk Broner, The World (Sep 11, 2024)
The regime is going to try to use González’s departure to demoralize and divide the opposition. It is up to the opposition to stay united
The regime is going to try to use González’s departure to demoralize and divide the opposition. It is up to the opposition to stay united
Tamara Taraciuk Broner, directora del Programa sobre Estado de derecho, conversó con BBC News sobre la situación en Venezuela tras la salida de Edmundo González a España.
Everything they are doing is a demonstration of weakness, not strength, but right now time plays in favor of Maduro. The international community has to
González’s asylum should be understood as a chess game move—not a checkmate favoring the regime, as Maduro and his cronies would like it to be.
Tamara Taraciuk Broner, directora del Programa sobre Estado de derecho, conversó con El País sobre la propuesta de generar incentivos legales para una transición democrática en Venezuela.
On August 30, 2024, the Dialogue’s Rule of Law Program published a policy brief on the need for democratic and effective security policies in Latin America and the Caribbean, highlighting insights from Guatemala, São Paulo, and Bogotá.
A Venezuela está numa encruzilhada. Há um caminho possível que está a levar o país para um modelo totalmente repressivo e que à primeira vista
Que no haya una resolución del conflicto en Venezuela impacta en los Estados Unidos. Según una encuesta, un cuarto de la población venezolana tiene planes
To address the immediate concerns surrounding Venezuela’s upcoming elections, and explore possibilities for a political transition, it is essential to compare Venezuela’s current electoral conditions, outcomes, and post-election risks with those in other countries like Guatemala, Nicaragua, among others.
Tamara Taraciuk Broner, directora del Programa sobre Estado de derecho, conversó en Hablemos en Off sobre el escenario post-electoral en Venezuela y la reacción de la comunidad internacional.
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