Somos Crianza es una coalición latinoamericana de redes de primera infancia, cuyo propósito es hacer de la primera infancia una prioridad en la región a través de la construcción de mejores políticas para el bienestar infantil en todos los países.
Giving continuity to the Regional Agenda for the Comprehensive Development of Early Childhood, convened by Inter-American Dialogue and signed in Bogota in 2017, organizations from Brazil, Colombia, Chile, Ecuador, Guatemala, Mexico, and Peru met again in 2022 and 2023 in order to exchange knowledge and to articulate efforts and resources to work together for early childhood.
The Dialogue is a hemispheric organization that builds networks of cooperation and action to advance democratic resilience, shared prosperity, social inclusion, and sustainable development across the Americas. We impact policy debates, devise solutions, and enhance collaboration to unlock meaningful change in the Western Hemisphere.
Inter-American Dialogue
1155 15th Street NW | Suite 800
Washington, DC 20005
P: +1-202-822-9002
F: +1-202-822-9553