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April 9th marked the launch of UNESCO’s 2015 Education for All (EFA) Global Monitoring Report. These reports are designed to evaluate global progress towards the six EFA goals established in the Dakar Framework for Action in 2000, when representatives of 164 countries gathered for the World Education Forum. Since the Framework for Action set goals to be achieved by 2015, this latest report assesses the extent to which these goals have been met, and presents lessons for the development of a post-2015 educational agenda.
We are pleased to share with you the following analyses by three collaborators of the Inter-American Dialogue’s education program, on the 2015 EFA Global Monitoring Report:
- UNESCO’s EFA 2015 Global Monitoring Report: Where’s Learning? by Jeffrey Puryear, Senior Fellow, former vice president of social policy, and former co-director of PREAL, at the Inter-American Dialogue.
- Education and Learning for All in Latin America: Global Trends, Regional Challenges (Available in Spanish), by Marcela Gajardo, former president of the Global Monitoring Report Team, and co-founder and former co-director of PREAL.
- Education 2016-2030: Goals for Sustainable Development (Available in Spanish), by Sergio Bitar, Senior Fellow of the Inter-American Dialogue and former Senator and Minister of Education, Mining, and Public Works of Chile.